Changing strings on a classical guitar is a royal pain in the @ss!
James Taylor just sounds better and better. How???!
Ed Sheeran on the other hand…. I guess I just don’t get it.
All great players, regardless of their instrument, will gravitate toward jazz sooner or later.
Keeping a guitar fretboard and neck clean makes you want to play longer. Which can only make you better.
Same thing with strings.
Martin Taylor is still my hero. If you could wave a magic wand over my head and I could cop the chops of one player, it would be him.
For most people it’s way harder to write a happy song than a sad song.
Although they are undeniably beautiful and some sound heavenly, most “boutique” guitars are overpriced. Some, obscenely so.
On the other hand, some guitars coming out of China (some, not all) are an incredible value.
Muddy Waters was THE MAN.
The best and most famous players tend to be the nicest people you’d ever want to meet. The ones who are very, very good but won’t ever reach that level can be the biggest a-holes. In my experience, anyway.
“The Mississippi delta was shining like a National guitar.” One of the best lines in a song ever.
A 12-string guitar has an amazing potential for strumming abuse, sound-wise. But finger picked by someone who knows how? Oh, my.
That assumes the person can tune one. Something that is way harder than it looks.
We are in something of a golden age of guitars right now. So many great choices in all price ranges. Not like the old days….
But just because a guitar is called “vintage” doesn’t mean it sounds good or plays well. It will no doubt be very expensive, regardless.
For most people, keeping a steady, consistent beat is far and away the most difficult musical skill.
It doesn’t matter how simple a piece of music may be, if it’s played close to perfection it will be infinitely satisfying.
I wonder what Jimi would be playing today?
And in some strange way, I get sadder about George no longer being with us than John. But I miss him too.
As hard as it may be at times, resist the temptation to diss other players. It will come back to haunt you, one way or the other.
You can learn something from ANY type of music. You don’t have to like it but there’s always something in there that can make you a better player.
Taylor guitars are almost always gorgeous. If they only sounded as good as they look (!).
Playing outside is incredibly liberating. Even making the effort to play in a different room inside your home is good for your musical ears.
Don’t let new mistakes in an old song, one you’ve played for years throw you too much.
Smile when you play!
Peace & good music,